Crawl Space Vapor Barrier

The Problem with Unsealed Crawl Spaces in America

High Humidity in Crawl Space

Crawl space vents were designed to allow air to circulate inthe area, in an attempt to prevent moisture and related problems. Over time, builders realized that not only they were inneficient in solving these problems, but they were actually  the source of the vast majority of the common problems found in crawl spaces, including:

  • Foul, musty odors
  • Mold, dry rot and structural damage
  • Bouncy or sagging floors
  • Impaired air quality
  • Uneven and uncomfortable temperatures
  • Cold floors during the winter
  • Higher utility bills

Crawl Spaces and Energy Efficiency

According to the most recent findings in building science, vented and unsealed crawl spaces are a significant source of energy waste and high heating and cooling bills. According to Advanced Energy, energy losses through the crawl space are so substantial, that you might as well forfeit any other energy-efficient home improvements until you fix the crawl space. 

Energy waste is even higher for crawl spaces housing HVAC ducts. During the winter the hote air in the ducts loses temperature as it passes through the freezing cold crawl space. In the summer, it is the cool air that gains temperature as it passes through the hot and humid crawl space. That means that your heating and cooling systems are working much harder than they should, year round,  just to keep your home comfortable 

Homeowners with encapsulated crawl spaces not ontly experience a healthier and more comfortable home, but they also save an average of 30% in energy bills.  

Crawl Space Encapsulation

Encapsulation is. to date, the only science-backed way to treat crawl spaces. The process involves lining and sealing the entire area with a heavy-duty polyethylene barrier. This method creates a dry buffer between the dirt floor of the crawl space, its walls, and the floor above, essentially sealing off the area from external air and moisture. As an added benefit, crawl space encapsulation improves energy efficiency by preventing heat loss and can improve indoor air quality by blocking the circulation of mold spores and other pollutants. A properly encapsulated crawl space  has a lifespan of 15 to 20 years or more and pays for itself in energy savings alone. 

Installed vapor barrier

Level 2 Crawl Space Systems Certificate

CrawlShield™ Encapsulation System for  Healthy, Energy-Efficient Crawl Spaces!

Crawl Shield System
  • Completely Isolates the Crawl Space From All Sources of Moisture
  • Serves as a Deterrent for Pests & Wildlife
  • Prevents Radon Gas From Ascending into the Crawl Space
  • Helps Lower Energy Bills
  • Strong Tear Resistant, 16-mil Liner
  • Quality Product Made in USA
  • Class A Fire Rated